What Is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a condition suffered by an adult or child who experienced or witnessed a traumatic event. The person lives with the belief that they could have come to real harm, or might have suffered some level of harm...

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Certified EMDR Therapist in Long Beach

Going from being called a “trained” EMDR therapist to being called a “certified” EMDR therapist requires extra consultation, training and experience.  As of this week, I have officially been granted the title...

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How Can I Cope With COVID Stress?

Can you remember the last time you felt totally relaxed? Most people have been under so much stress with COVID that we forget HOW to relax and our go-to coping strategies aren’t as easy to access.   “Neflix and Chill” isn’t as relaxing anymore...

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Why do people go to therapy?

People go to therapy for a variety of reasons.   There is a range of reasons for people to come in for therapy, however the thing that I see across all client is a desire to become their best self.  It inspires me every single day when new...

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Why successful people seek therapy.

We all too often make the mistake of believing that successful people don’t have the same sorts of problems that everyone else has. We assume they are happy, have a great marriage, great kids, and have no need for therapy. The truth is that they...

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