Online Therapy


Note: In-person office visits are still available if you live in or around Long Beach. However, if you don’t want to drive or if you live far from Long Beach and would like to work with me, then online therapy is available for you!

Listed Below Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Online Therapy. Read On Below To Find Out If This Is Right For You!

Advantages Of Online Therapy:

red_arrow_writtenYou can focus on finding a qualified therapist you feel comfortable with and not worry about distance

red_arrow_writtenYou don’t have to worry about scheduling a time where you can avoid traffic. Sessions are done live…from the comfort of your home!

red_arrow_writtenYou never have to look for parking

red_arrow_writtenYou can participate in “face to face” therapy from the comfort of your own home

red_arrow_writtenPeople can get around the discomfort of walking into a therapy office

red_arrow_writtenExperience more freedom with scheduling your appointments

Disadvantages Of Online Therapy:

blue_check_smOne risk that exists in performing therapy services over the Internet is that confidentiality may be compromised. Not everyone has privacy in their home and someone in the next room could hear your therapy session.

blue_check_smSome people prefer the in-person “energy” that you get when you are in the same space as someone.

blue_check_smOnline therapy may not be covered by one’s insurance.


It may seem obvious, but if you don’t have stable Wi-Fi, you run the chance of your therapy appointment buffering and disconnecting.

Here’s What You Will Need

Internet Connection
Webcam (optional)
A nice quiet space where we can conduct our session uninterrupted.

If you are interested in an online therapy session, click here to check out our therapists or you can give me a call! Together we can determine the best therapist and the best day/time for you to start with your first session.