Category: Relationship Issues

5 tips to stop arguing in your relationship

Miscommunication is one of the biggest issues that cause couples to argue in their relationships. Couples unknowingly feed into issues that make the arguing worse.  Here are 5 common habits that contribute to misunderstandings and tips to correct them so you can stop arguing in your relationship: 1. Making Assumptions I cannot tell you how

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A picture of a couple sitting on the couch looking at a modern laptop. Both are smiling and holding hands. The view of the picture is that we can see the people's faces but the laptop is turned away from the camera.

Top 5 reasons people are looking for a couple’s therapist

Communication Problems People have very different ways of communicating, have different meanings to words/phrases, and also one person might be more literal than the other person, so will get their feelings hurt in ways their partner does not understand.   At Long Beach Therapy, our couple’s therapists help couples learn each other’s “languages” to reduce hurt

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Image represents the journey of personal healing and the empowerment that comes from taking control of your life.

The Person Who Hurts You is Rarely the One Who Heals You

When someone hurts you, it’s natural to want them to fix it. You might find yourself waiting for an apology, an explanation, or even some grand gesture that makes things right again. But often, the painful truth is that the person who caused your pain is rarely the one who heals you. Healing, as unfair

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