Therapist in Long Beach on: What is self care and why is it important?
Therapist in Long Beach on: What is self care and why is it important?
Therapist in Long Beach on: What is self care and why is it important?
10 Ways To Be Happier Now. Tips From A Therapist In Long Beach. Happiness is so important that the U.S. Declaration of Independence lists pursuit of it as one of three absolute and inalienable rights. Happiness isn’t always easy, but there are a few things you can do to increase your happiness today. Make yourself
Am I Using Alcohol To Cope? Tips From a Therapist in Long Beach. For as long as alcoholic beverages have been available, people have used them as a way to relax and decompress after a long, hard day. There is nothing like a beer or a glass of wine at the end of a busy
Understanding Your Purpose in Life. Tips From a Therapist in Long Beach. Ask any person “what is the one question you would most like to have answered” and you will find that a lot of people want help in figuring out their purpose in life. We all have a purpose, whether we know it or
How to Take Time for Yourself (Without Feeling Guilty)? Tips From a Therapist in Long Beach. You have a lot of responsibilities. In our world today, we are constantly having to multitask and think what our next move is in the day. Between work, and the kids, your partner, household chores, and other responsibilities, it
Is my low self-esteem to blame for my relationship problems? When a relationship ends, it normally does so because of a number of different issues. For some, it is money problems that are at the root of the problem, while communication issues, infidelity and sexual problems also rank high on the list. While those are
Dealing With Negative Feedback at Work We all want to do our very best at work, as that generally means that our job is secure, and that the possibility of advancement and extra pay increases. Given that the average person spends at least a third of their day at work, there are going to be
How to feel better about my relationship…A guide to self-discovery For the most part, I use “CBT” (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) with my clients. Although there are some issues that CBT doesn’t work for and I use other types of therapy, it is the one I tend to use most. CBT is all about how our
How do I get some control over my depression and anxiety? Fighting depression and anxiety isn’t about willpower, it’s about creating positives in your life. When trying to lose weight they say that building muscle is more important than trying to burn fat because when you have muscle, then the muscle burns the fat. Using
Self-Esteem Problems? A Path To Self-Discovery… Whatever you believe religiously (or if you don’t believe anything at all), most people can agree that we are all unique as individuals in our own way and have a purpose in life. All of us are like a puzzle piece on this thing called earth. All of us