Improving The Communication Within Your Relationship. Tips From A Relationship Counselor In Long Beach


Improving The Communication Within Your Relationship

Tips From A Relationship Counselor In Long Beach

About half of the people who come into therapy at my office come in because of communication issues within their relationship.  The typical story involves a foundation that was built on poor communication skills.  The communication skills are the basis for a relationship to be healthy.  When communication is not there, often the intimacy is lacking and happiness is lost.  People often look outside of the relationship for these things and the relationship goes into a downward spiral from there.

My goal is to first work on the foundation of the relationship.  I teach communication skills to couples that allow them to take on issues TOGETHER, from the most basic issues (what are we going to eat tonight) to more complex issues (are we going to have children).  It doesn’t matter where your communication skills came from, they are there and they need to be worked on.

One thing you can do to begin this process is to repeat back what you hear the other person saying.  Often times when we are in a fight, all we hear is the first 10 words of what the other person is saying and then we plan our defense.  If your partner thinks that you are actually listening to them, the tension usually decreases and the defenses start to come down and the communication process begins.

If you are looking for an individual therapist or couples therapist in Long Beach, please give me a call to ask me a question or to set up an appointment.


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Long Beach, California 90807​

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