Should I Get Back Together With My Ex, Tips From A Couples Therapist In Long Beach

Should I Get Back Together With My Ex, Tips From A Couples Therapist In Long Beach

Things to Consider Before Going Back to an Ex
After a breakup, it’s normal to have doubts. You might start focusing on the good times you had together, and wondering if you really did everything you could to make things work. When considering whether to get back together with an ex, the answer isn’t always easy. Here are some things to consider before you jump back in.
How long has it been?
If you just broke up last week, your feelings are still raw and you may not be thinking clearly. If some time has passed, there is a better chance that you’ve both gained perspective and may be better able to resolve some of the differences that led to your breakup.
What caused the breakup?
If you broke up for reasons that are no longer an issue, getting back together may make sense. Maybe you were in a long distance relationship and now live closer together. Or maybe your partner was working too much, but has changed careers and now has more free time. If the reasons for the breakup included mistreatment or abuse of any kind, you would be better to leave the past behind you. If you are struggling with what to do, you can call Long Beach Therapy (or another local therapist) to get some objective guidance.
Why do you want to get back together?
This requires some serious soul searching. If your ex has moved on with someone new and you’re feeling jealous, you’re asking for trouble. If you’re both miserable and time hasn’t eased those feelings, it may be worth a try.
How dedicated are you both to making it work?
Depending on the reasons you broke up, rekindling the relationship may take a lot of work. You want to make sure you aren’t jumping into the same fire you just got out of. What will be different? How motivated are the both of you to changing up whatever wasn’t working? A therapist can help you get to the root of the problems that led you to break up in the first place. Therapy works best if you both go, but going alone can still help you, no matter what you decide to do.


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