How will I know what to say in that first session? Written by a therapist in Long Beach

How will I know what to say in that first session?

Written by a therapist in Long Beach

You can let your therapist know that you don’t know how to start and they can ask you questions.  I have clients who come in talking from the start and other clients who have no idea where to start.  That’s okay!!  Sometimes my clients will ask me to talk more and some clients will ask me to talk less, and that is part of the process.  At Long Beach Therapy, we understand that you might not know what you don’t know.  That’s why you came to therapy… to figure it out.  When you go to your doctor’s office with a sore throat, they ask you a bunch of questions to be able to help you.  You aren’t expected to know all the things you are supposed to tell them.  A therapist can do the same thing.  We can ask you questions to help figure out the path to figure out the problem you are coming in to fix.


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