How to get motivated to get out of bed to do something other than going to my job when I am depressed / no energy

How to get motivated to get out of bed to do something other than going to my job when I am depressed / no energy

One of the major symptoms of depression is the inability to find the energy or motivation to do the things that usually bring you some form of joy. The simple act of getting out of bed to start the day can feel like a major chore when you are in the grip of depression. Most people are able to make that move when they know that they have to go to their job, but what about those days when you don’t have to go to work. How do you get out of bed when every fiber of your being is telling you to stay there and write the day off?

One of the easiest and effective ways of getting out of bed on your days off is to set and alarm clock as you would when you need to go to work. You do not need to set it as early as you would when you are going to your job, although it’s a good idea to do so, as your internal body clock may have you awake before that later alarm. An even better idea is to set the alarm clock across the room so that you physically need to get out of bed to turn it off.

Once you are awake and up, you may still feel the temptation to crawl back between the sheets, but there are a couple of things you can do to prevent that from happening. The first thing to do is make the bed, as you are less likely to get back in once it’s all neat and tidy. The act of actually doing some small physical act can actually help shake you out of your torpor. Jumping in the shower and getting ready for the day is also a good way to shake off a little of the funk that you are feeling.  You can’t force depression with willpower alone, but one little step at a time can help.

Going to work is part of your daily plan, so why not also make plans for those days when you don’t need to work. You could make arrangements ahead of time to meet a friend or family member for breakfast or lunch (or do something small and manageable like walking to the sidewalk and then coming back inside). When you are depressed, letting yourself down seems acceptable, but we are all still hardwired not to let down our friends and family. It is more likely that you will get out of bed and go to that appointment, as the thought of calling to cancel and potentially disappoint the ones you love seems less desirable.

If you are consistently needing to do things to force yourself out of bed because you are depressed or the tips in this blog don’t help, the next step is to seek some professional help from a therapist. There are treatments for depression that can help you avoid those no energy days, or at the very least keep them to a minimum. Talking to a therapist and potentially getting on medication is the first positive step on your road to managing your depression.

If you live in California and are looking for a therapist, please give us a call at Long Beach Therapy: 562-310-9741.


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