7 signs your spouse cheating on you…..with their SMARTPHONE

7 signs your spouse cheating on you…..with their SMARTPHONE

Signs you or your loved one may need help with their smartphone addiction

1. You check your phone before rolling over to give your loved one a hug or kiss in the morning
2. The last thing you do at night is check your phone
3. You don’t remember your loved ones phone number without looking at the phone
4. When your phone beeps while your loved one is talking, you check your phone
5. You text your loved one “I love you” more than you verbally say it
6. Losing a game due to not playing in time is more devastating than having to cancel your date with your loved one.
7. Your loved one constantly says “I wish you loved me more than your phone” or “can you put your phone down sometimes when you are talking to me”.
Technology is just going to get more and more time consuming (if you let it) and games are going to get more addicting…. Call me if you have questions or want to find out how to regain control over your life.





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