Getting The Most Out Of Therapy
Getting The Most Out Of Therapy Many of my clients have busy lives and will often ask me how they can get the most value for their time in therapy. I always tell them that what they put in will determine how much they get back out. The more open and honest a client is, […]
Offering help to your child who was sexually abused. Written by a licensed therapist in Long Beach.
Offering help to your child who was sexually abused. Written by a licensed therapist in Long Beach. One of the biggest keys in the recovery of a child who has been molested is how you respond to their sexual abuse. You need to let your child know that you believe them, and that they were […]
How To Put Your Child In Time Out
How To Put Your Child In Time Out There are times when kids need a time out, but getting them to stay there or actually have them go in the first place can become hard to manage. It is easy for frustration to kick in, and in those moments, you really need to remember what […]
Dealing With A Bipolar Spouse
Dealing With A Bipolar Spouse Bipolar Disorder Explained: Bipolar Disorder can manifest itself in a number of different ways, but in general, it is usually periods of extreme highs followed by periods of extreme lows. There are other disorders that have similar symptoms, so it is best that a licensed medical professional be the one […]
How to Deal With A Partner With Anger Issues
How to Deal With A Partner With Anger Issues In order for anger issues to be dealt with properly, the person experiencing them has to deal with them on their own. As a spouse, you can help them find a therapist or anger management group, but the actual work is something they need to do […]
Why successful people seek therapy.
Why successful people seek therapy. We all too often make the mistake of believing that successful people don’t have the same sorts of problems that everyone else has. We assume they are happy, have a great marriage, great kids, and have no need for therapy. The truth is that they do have those issues, but […]
What Is Premarital Therapy?
What Is Premarital Therapy? There are several things that can happen in premarital therapy. One of the first things it does is to help the couple see the positives in their relationship and to build a solid foundation. This allows trust to flourish, which in turn opens the door to honest communication. One of the […]
I am gay, can I request a gay therapist?
I am gay, can I request a gay therapist? Absolutely! Many therapists are very supportive of the gay and lesbian community and can be quite effective at helping those in our community. That being said, there is a great deal of discrimination against the gay and lesbian community, and it’s not at all unreasonable to […]
Finding A Gay Friendly Therapist In Long Beach. Written by a LGBTQ therapist in Long Beach.
Finding A Gay Friendly Therapist In Long Beach. Written by a LGBTQ therapist in Long Beach. If you are a gay, transgender, bisexual or lesbian person or you just aren’t sure. I am going to give you information in this blog post about finding a gay friendly therapist that is right for you. If you […]
How to get through to my partner? Written by a couples therapist in Long Beach.
How to get through to my partner? Written by a couples therapist in Long Beach. Many of the people that I talk to in therapy are there because they cannot communicate with their partner. In order for your words to be heard, the first thing you need to learn to do is listen. Imagine how […]