Signs I’m With “The One”

How will I know if I’m with the right one or not? This is one of the common questions that people in relationships ask themselves.

Here are some of the signs that you’re really with the right person:

1. Open, Honest and Clear Communication

You’re with the right person if your partner shows honest, clear and open communication with you. Even if they aren’t wanting to communicate, they can tell you the reason why and will let you know when they ARE ready.

2. Freedom

Always keep in mind that you can’t force anyone to love and care for you. You should not be begging for someone’s love and attention. You should never feel that you are trapped in a relationship or that they are staying because they are trapped. Knowing that both of you are in the relationship because you WANT to be is an important part of being in “the right” relationship.
Freedom also involves both of you still being who you are. If you have changed so drastically to gain your partners approval, you may not be with “the one”.

3. Teamwork

It is important that you can rely on “the one” through the ups and downs of life. It is also important that they can rely on YOU. I can’t even express how much it helps when you know that you will always be together in facing all the events and issues in your life. Isn’t that why you are in a relationship in the first place.. to not be alone and to get support.
How do you know this? Pay attention to how they treat you when you are in need or when you are sick. Do they dismiss you, do they get frustrated with you, or do they want to help you.

4. Compatibility in the Relationship

Do you like your partner? Do they drive you crazy more than they create harmony in your life? All partners will drive you crazy from time to time, but if it is a consistent thing or happens more than they bring you happiness, you might not be with the right person.

Are you attracted to your partner? Do you want a friendship or do you want an intimate relationship? Just because you like your partner doesn’t mean you need to be dating/married. It is important to not just love your partner, but to WANT them (sexually). If this was the case early on in your relationship and it has simply faded away, couples therapy can often help. If you have never wanted your partner sexually, then you might be in a “friends without benefits” kind of marriage. You have to decide for yourself if this is what you are wanting for your life.


If you are looking for individual therapy or couples therapy in Long Beach, please give me a call to ask me a question or to set up an appointment.