What Is the Difference Between A Therapist And A Life Coach?

What Is the Difference Between A Therapist And A Life Coach?

There is some confusion out there as to whether a life coach or a therapist is the best choice for people having issues in their life. The best choice comes from knowing exactly what each one does. A therapist must have earned a Master’s Degree in therapy, and must also have completed 3000 practice hours as an intern/associate while being supervised by a licensed therapist before passing their licensing board exams. A strict code of laws and ethics are in place for therapist, including making sure not to mislead clients in any way regarding the level of expertise or experience that the therapist is bringing to the table. The therapist has to leave their own agenda out of the equation, with all sessions performed done so with the sole purpose of helping the client. It is not the job of a therapist to simply tell someone what to do, as no two clients have exactly the same issues. Something that has worked for a therapist in their own life may simply not be a good for someone else. These types of suggestions may work in the short term, but the client will soon discover that they are not living an authentic life.

The same laws and code of ethics do not apply to a life coach, and they also require no professional training or accreditation. They are free to teach you how to live your life in a way that pretty much mirrors theirs. They are under no obligation to make sure that what they are telling you is actually right for you. This is not to say that life coaches are bad, it just means they are not right for every issue. If you need help getting some organization and structure into your life, a life coach can help you do that.

You also need to understand what it is you want. If there are a few tasks you need help with, such as getting organized or becoming a good public speaker, a life coach may be a good happiness. If your goal is to become a better communicator, become happier in your life, or to take care of issues that are holding you back in your personal or professional life, you will probably be better served by seeing a therapist. Please take time to look through the blog section of my site, as I have a number of articles that will help you see how a therapist can be of help to you. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact me with questions you have.

At the end of the day, the choice of a therapist or life coach is yours to make. You need to do what feels right, and what makes you most comfortable.


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