How Long Will Therapy Take?

This question almost didn’t make the cut, simply because no-one wants to hear “it depends” and I’m not one to give vague answers. The reality is that there is no easy answer to this question, and it really does depend on a number of different factors. What it all boils down to is how complex the issue is, and how long you have been dealing with it. The level of support that you have around you also plays a major role, as is your willingness to make the changes necessary to get better.

The best ways to shorten the length of therapy are:

  1. Be honest with your therapist so that they have the full picture of your situation. If a therapist doesn’t have all the puzzle pieces, they can’t help figure out the puzzle with you as quickly.
  2. Work at home on the things you learn in therapy.
  3. Give therapy your all, and when you can’t, talk to your therapist about it so they can help you figure out the barriers to you opening up.