How to stop being depressed? Written by a local therapist in Long Beach.

How to stop being depressed?

Depression is more than just feeling sad or being blue. It’s a common mental health struggle that can become dangerous and even life-threatening if left untreated.

One of the most difficult things about being depressed, aside from the depression itself, is how people view you when you are depressed.  People who have never experienced true depression themselves often think that it’s a matter of willpower and you just need to “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” or “snap out of it”.


At Long Beach Therapy, we understand the challenges faced by those whose lives have been impacted by depression, and we have specialized treatment and tools to help those achieve true and lasting healing.  We understand that depressed people want to feel better and if it was just a matter of willpower, that their depression would have been lifted by now.

Depression can be treated, but in based on my 20+ years of experience I have found that to receive the best results, you need to get help from a trained professional for depression.  There are things that can help (listed below), however to get the best results, having a trained professional to help you with your depression can give you an individualized approach to learn about your depression and eventually overcome your depression.

Please contact us to get help in Long Beach for Depression.  We are local therapists in Long Beach and have openings for in person therapy.  We can also see anyone who resides in California for online therapy.  To schedule an appointment to get help with depression at Long Beach Therapy, please call: 562-310-9741.


Tips to help your depression:

Tip 1:

Do a mindfulness activity 5 minutes per day (and eventually build up to 15 minutes per day). Mindfulness isn’t just for hippie’s.  Mindfulness has been researched and there is a difference in people’s brain scans when compared to people who don’t participate in mindfulness daily.

A peaceful scene where a man sits with legs crossed on the sand under a tree on a private beach, deeply immersed in relaxation under a tall tree.

Tip 2:

Stop scrolling through social media. Social media isn’t an accurate depiction of anyone’s life. They show you what they want to show you and you don’t get to see the struggles people experience and the process in which they overcame those struggles.

Tip 3:

Talk to someone who you trust. If there isn’t anyone you trust, call a talk line (855-845-7415 or 800-273-8255).  As humans, our brains crave connection and depressed people tend to not be as connected because their depression puts a damper on their motivation to go out and do things.

Tip 4:

Journal or draw. Having an outlet for your feelings is important!

picture of a woman doing art.  The woman is sitting with her back against the couch with her knees up so she can lean the drawing journal against her knees.  the picture is from the back of the person where you can see their back and the picture shows the art journal in the womans hands. The journal is open and there is a line drawn sketch of the ocean and sunset on the journal.

Tip 5:

Take a walk or do something active every day (even for 10 minutes).

Get in to therapy. Finding a therapist near you for depression is one of the most helpful things you can do.  You can go into the office to see someone or do online therapy.  A lot of depressed people prefer online therapy because it is more “do-able” since you don’t have to drive to the office, park, and find the suite where you are supposed to meet.


Book An Appointment

Call Us: 562-310-9741​

(New Patients Only)


3711 Long Beach Blvd
Long Beach, California 90807​

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