Category: Relationship Issues

Why do I have to ask my partners permission all the time

Why do I have to ask my partners permission all the time Before you continue reading, it is very important for you to know that if you are afraid to talk to your partner because they yell at you, humiliate you, purposely embarrass you, make you feel stupid, or otherwise hurt you (emotionally or physically),

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Do I have a phone addiction?

Do I have a phone addiction? I can’t answer in a blog post if you have an addiction or not, but if you feel like you have to look at your phone every time it pings or rings, please consider some of the below: Be Smart About Setting Cell Phone Boundaries for yourself While the

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Ways to stand up for yourself without feeling bad

Ways to stand up for yourself without feeling bad We all have the right to stand up for ourselves and the things that we believe in, yet we often walk away feeling guilty in those moments that we do stand up for ourselves. Do we feel bad because we are questioning what we believe to

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How to avoid bringing work stress in to your marriage

How to avoid bringing work stress in to your marriage If working was such a pleasant experience, there wouldn’t be quite so many jokes about just how awful Monday mornings are. If you had a job you loved that had no stress, you probably wouldn’t be reading this blog post. The harsh reality is that

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How can I get my spouse to help me around the house?

How can I get my spouse to help me around the house? This is a very common complaint of married people. I actually was talking to another parent at my child’s school and had this actual conversation. She said that she gets mad because her husband never cleans the kitchen and that when she comes

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I’m so annoyed with my partner!! What can I do?

I’m so annoyed with my partner!! What can I do? As much as you might absolutely adore your partner… There are just some things that really make your blood boil. It might be the food container put back empty (Who does that?), how they squeeze the toothpaste from the middle of the tube, or zoning

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