Recognizing And Seeing The Signs Of Emotional Cheating

Recognizing And Seeing The Signs Of Emotional Cheating Most people believe that if someone cheating in a relationship it’s a physical attraction that will probably end up being short lived.  Most people think there is no real emotion involved just lust and one-night stands.  There are many cases that would prove this theory true, but […]

How to Find a Gay Friendly Therapist

How to Find a Gay Friendly Therapist Widespread discrimination has led many people in the gay community to avoid getting therapy.  Many of those who do seek therapy find it helpful to see a therapist who is also a part of the community.  When talking with someone who is gay or lesbian, there is no […]

My Partner and I Have Not Had Sex In Forever. What Should I Do?

My Partner and I Have Not Had Sex In Forever. What Should I Do? Start by asking yourself some questions: When was the last time you were fully satisfied by sex? If there are no satisfaction issues and you generally enjoy sex with your spouse/partner, move on to step #2.  If you have been unsatisfied […]

Certified EMDR Therapist in Long Beach

Certified EMDR Therapist in Long Beach Going from being called a “trained” EMDR therapist to being called a “certified” EMDR therapist requires extra consultation, training and experience.  As of this week, I have officially been granted the title “Certified EMDR Therapist”  by EMDR International Association (EMDRIA). Although I am now trained and/or certified in every […]

Do I have to find a therapist near me? Written by a therapist in Long Beach

Do I have to find a therapist near me? Written by a therapist in Long Beach First let me give you an insight about therapists: Most of us are not tech savvy.  Prior to COVID, it was almost a requirement to find a therapist near you because most therapists didn’t offer online therapy.  Since COVID, […]

How Can I Cope With COVID Stress?

How Can I Cope With COVID Stress? Can you remember the last time you felt totally relaxed? Most people have been under so much stress with COVID that we forget HOW to relax and our go-to coping strategies aren’t as easy to access.   “Neflix and Chill” isn’t as relaxing anymore because people have watched every […]

How would a therapist help me get through trauma caused by COVID?

How would a therapist help me get through trauma caused by COVID? Over the years, I have worked with hundreds of people suffering from trauma. My training has involved learning a host of different methods that will help people learn to live with and reduce the symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The symptoms of […]

How Can I Help My Transgender Child?

How Can I Help My Transgender Child? Above and beyond anything, be supportive if your child is showing signs of being a transgender person. Many times parents will take on the blame, believing they did something to make their child this way. There is nothing further from the truth.  Your child is facing his or […]